Markings In My Journal

Visit my other site, Markings In My Journal, for more inspiration.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

One Year...

Yesterday, St. Patrick's Day, was my One Year Blogiversary! This is the 124th post...I can't believe I've found that much to 'talk' about! Probably because it's a lot easier for me to write something than talk (I hate using the phone...and I was a secretary for years, go figure :)...maybe that's why I hate the phone? )

I want to Thank you all for your visits to my blog and your comments, they all mean a lot to me...all the 5,670 different visitors in the past year (via Google Analytics). I went to find this number and saw that just this Friday (the 16th) I had the most visits ever in one day...239 - that is AWESOME!
Thanks again for stopping by...

I enjoy sharing here and am very grateful to my very loving and understanding husband who listens to me prattle on about sewing things and wishing I had more time to sew...not to mention the time I take to write on the blog. He's so supportive of it :) He does read it and compliments me on my work...isn't he wonderful! Love You Chad!

I do have things in process to blog about, as well as a 'review' about my new sewing machine, that I hope to be able to share with you soon!

Thanks again!

Nevertheless let every one of you in particular 
so love his wife even as himself; 
and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
Ephesians 5:33

Both a husband and wife have distinct was of showing affection, this verse gives us a glimpse of how to show our affection to our spouse...something we all can work on more!

Have a great day in the House of the Lord!

1 comment:

Yeah! You've come for a visit! Thank you for writing to me...I LOVE hearing from you! I do try to respond back to the comments left...however, if you are a no-reply blogger...then, unfortunatly, I can't write you back!

Thank you so much for stopping by...