I want to Thank you all for your visits to my blog and your comments, they all mean a lot to me...all the 5,670 different visitors in the past year (via Google Analytics). I went to find this number and saw that just this Friday (the 16th) I had the most visits ever in one day...239 - that is AWESOME!
Thanks again for stopping by...
I enjoy sharing here and am very grateful to my very loving and understanding husband who listens to me prattle on about sewing things and wishing I had more time to sew...not to mention the time I take to write on the blog. He's so supportive of it :) He does read it and compliments me on my work...isn't he wonderful! Love You Chad!
I do have things in process to blog about, as well as a 'review' about my new sewing machine, that I hope to be able to share with you soon!
Thanks again!
Nevertheless let every one of you in particular
so love his wife even as himself;
and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
Ephesians 5:33
Both a husband and wife have distinct was of showing affection, this verse gives us a glimpse of how to show our affection to our spouse...something we all can work on more!
Have a great day in the House of the Lord!
Congrats on your milestone! Amazing!