Markings In My Journal

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

School Time...

Last week ended with another trip to the county fair... the girls really enjoy going!
This finished out our summer, as we started our first year of homeschooling on Monday. Liz was very excited and is eager to do her PACE's. Amber joined in on some coloring sheets and sometimes tries very hard to 'help' Liz with her work.
We've gotten through four days and she's still excited :)

Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; 
and uphold me with thy free spirit.
Psalm 51:12

We covered the 51st Psalm in Sunday school this week. It is the Psalm of David when he was confessing his sin with Bathsheba. In verse 12, it talks about restoring the joy of salvation. This is a request we should request after we have confessed sin and been out of fellowship with God... However, it still moved me that we may need to even ask this request at other times. Better still, it would be good to keep this on our hearts always... continually wanting to remember the joy that salvation brings from remembering what Christ did for us on the cross. This could be especially helpful even in those times when we just get bogged down and tired out! 

Christ died a horrible death and rose again to offer us the greatest gift... eternal life with Him in Heaven. All we have to do is receive it. May the joy of that continue always in our lives!

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