Our Summer has been whizzing by and making the time to blog very elusive! Things have been fast pace since we returned from our vacation, we had some church activities, then a week at camp, and upon the return home from camp...computer issues - ugh! I'm thankful the desktop computer is almost back up to full function...just running a little slow and one more program left to reinstall [and it is a less used program :)]!
Amid the computer issues..I am very thankful that during the almost full week of the desktop not working, I still had the laptop to use - yeah! So, I was still able to get things around so we could begin our new school year last week.
Welcome to...
~ Pen ~ |
Personal side note...this pen drawing is nicer, but I like the look of it in color too!
~ Pen & Colored pencil ~ |
I had been reading some different homeschooling posts on FB that suggested naming your home-school (and in NC they actually require you too...interesting). I thought it would be cool to name ours even if it's not required here...so, Quarter-Acre Academy is what Chad and I agreed on. I also drew a logo (which was included among the suggestions on FB) and then got carried away and did the coordinating banner too :)
(Even though we didn't pick a name till this year, I put the est. date for the year when Liz started her Kindergarten work.)
So, back to our beginning last week... we are doing school at the dining room table, so I wanted to put her school books in the dining room, but not take up too much space and still look nice. I looked briefly at the back-to-school organizing bins at Dollar General and found them not really what I needed...and cost more that I necessarily wanted to pay...even for it being the dollar store!
Brainstorm! I decided to fix-up a box instead! The diaper box was to small, so, I opted for the paper case box...it worked out perfectly!
I cut out the front, then glued on scrapbook paper, and covered it with Mod-Podge.
The outside of the lid got a coat of paint and it is now housing the school supplies (on the floor in this picture)...
We have been doing school now for a week and have already rearranged from these pictures! The work board has been moved closer to the table and the supplies are up off the floor on Liz's small desk (which she is not using, lol). The set-up seems to be working well.
First day of school! |
Amber is very active, and likes to sit at the table with us...but can be a little distracting at times! After some browsing of Pinterest, I put together some new toddler activities this morning - hopefully I can show a couple of those tomorrow :) (But don't hold your breath waiting for the post, lol!)
So we are off and running with school for this year and had a really great day today!
Quarter-Acre Academy school verse...
And be not conformed to this world:
but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that ye may prove what is that good,
and acceptable, and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2