Markings In My Journal

Visit my other site, Markings In My Journal, for more inspiration.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

So Much To Show You...

But there never seems to be time to sit down and post everything...

This week I am busy trying to finish Amber's quilt so it can be added to the long list over at the Quilt Blogger's Festival at Amy's Creative Side...and I think I might make it!

But before I started quilting it, I wanted to rearrange my sewing corner...

and even since this picture, a few things had changed...
but now even more...

You see, with the sewing machine out in the middle of the floor, I was afraid that one of the girls would go by and pull on the quilt while I was quilting I needed to move. Also, I wanted to bring the computer into this area too.

This wasn't how I originally had things mapped out for the move, but I LOVE the way it turned out! (Thanks Chad!)
The girls still have their play area just beside me...but I now have a higher hurtle to new exercise program :) since I don't have to run to the living room to use the computer. (The girls do get to 'invade' my space sometimes...but I try to keep them from getting under foot so they don't get into the sewing/craft stuff.) The way the room had been set up, Amber was reaching in and pulling fabric off the shelf of my table...I think she's going to be a crafty one...Liz maybe more on the artsy side.
This seems to be working great for quilting...and when I'm working at the table I can see out the window. Liz can sit at the end of the table and color...or play tea party :)...Amber will probably join her at the table when she gets a little bigger. For now she's content taking all the toys and books off the bookshelf and play kitchen.
So, I hope you've enjoyed this tour of one of my favorite places...time to go finishing quilting so I can bind and FINALLY post about Amber's Quilt!

Hopefully I'll be able to get back to connecting with the great linky parties list on my right side seems to have been a little hit-and-miss lately. But you can always check them out for great inspiration for another craft project.

Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him:
for the marriage of the Lamb is come,
and his wife hath made herself ready.
Revelation 19:7

So, I was actually looking for a different verse, when I opened to this made me think about needing to keep myself ready (spiritual) for the return of the Lord to take us to Heaven to be with Him. Just like we prepare for weddings here, we have a great wedding we need to be preparing for...the best wedding ever!

Also, made me contemplate being prepared for my make things ready for when he gets home from work on a daily basis...this should be our preparation for the when we are again a bride that needs to be prepared. (However, this is definitely no guarantee it will happen on a daily basis...but I can try :)

Sewing seeds daily...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the reorganization of your sewing room. I'm constantly struggling to keep mine organized. My sewing/crafting room is my Happy Room.


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