Markings In My Journal

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

WIP - Nothing New ...

It's time to review what has happened craft wise this past week...Works In Progress Wednesday is upon us again already!

When I looked back at what was on my WIP list from last week...I noticed that I didn't add anything new! However...progress was made on two of the just started projects :) !

Liz's Sashed Postage Stamp Quilt has all the fabric cut and two blocks pieced's so exciting! I love seeing the pieces come together...kind of like a puzzle.

The embroidered Christmas cards for the soldiers are done...
I ended up making only two...but I really like how they turned out! I haven't seen what the kids at school are coming up with yet, but I'm sure they will be sweetly received by the soldiers.

Didn't touch the Table topper or Liz's Season's Quiet book. I did get a couple of quick projects done...Sara's Message board and Liz's slippers (shared in the last post).

It's almost boring posting about this kind of stuff :) but Lee at Freshly Pieced has set up this great progress report time for us to share what has been happening in our craft areas!

I did have a brilliant idea for a present for Chad...I haven't started it yet and I'll have to keep that one under wraps till Christmas. He reads my blog... :) Love you! I've finally thought of a craft project for you!

TO wrap it up...

Finished projects: 1 (Christmas cards)
New projects: 0
Continued projects: 3 (Liz's Sashed Postage Stamp Quilt, EPP Diamonds, Season's quiet book)
Total WIP projects: 3

For whatsoever is born of God
overcometh the world:
and this is the victory
that overcometh the world,
even our faith.
1 John 5:4

Once we have received Christ as our Savior from our sins we can know that we have 'overcome' the world. We may still live here, but our hope and focus is to be on Heaven and our eternal home there. If  you do not have the assurance of a home in Heaven...please take time to read the left side bar of this blog for a clear way to know where you will spend eternity.

With hope...

1 comment:

  1. I like the colors in your blocks and the embroidered Christmas cards are beautiful!


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Thank you so much for stopping by...